As a New Year dawns, it is customary for people to set resolutions for personal growth. Perhaps one of the most popular pertains to improving one’s level of overall fitness. In an effort to help people start their year off on a positive note, there are some fun ways in which to start your workout in 2016.
Do it Yourself Boot Camp
Don’t let the name scare you away. Boot camps are actually a lot of fun and you can tailor the workout to your preferences and needs. Trade off hosting at home boot camps with your friends to add a social element.
Make your Chores a Workout
Chores are a necessary evil so why not combine them with your exercise routine. Select chores that require a lot of effort to maximize calorie burn. You may want to consider doing a few minutes of one chore and rotate to another. Changing up the activities can keep you interested. Add some fun music and the time will fly by!
While being fun, dancing is also a great workout. Another plus is the wide range of dancing you can enjoy. Partners aren’t always a must and can be even done at home using online tools or DVDs
Mental Fitness & Gaming
The wii provides users with fun-filled physical activities to help them with their fitness goals. Along with a fit body comes a sound mind. Mobile gaming can help improve one’s coordination and sharpen the mind. Card games such as blackjack which can be found at mobilecasinocanada can also provide a way of testing your numerical and memory skills.
Ultimate Frisbee
Frisbee has evolved from a pastime into a sport with Ultimate Frisbee pickup games being organized in different areas. The rules are similar to rugby and use a Frisbee not a ball.
Keeping your fitness resolutions can be easier if you vary your workout routine. As you seek to improve upon your overall fitness in 2016, try a few of these fun ideas!