Four Things to Do If You’re Struggling to Conceive
Sadly, for some adults, infertility could be the reason behind the failure to get pregnant. But as much as you may struggle to conceive, you should remember that you’re not alone.
In fact, as many as one in seven couples in the UK can’t conceive spontaneously, but it’s not impossible to become a parent even if you’ve had difficulty in the past.
It’s not always necessary to be alarmed by how long it takes you to get pregnant. For some couples, it can be as quick as a few months but many people might find that it takes a few ovulation cycles to fall pregnant.
If you’re currently struggling to get pregnant, the most important thing to remember is that it’s not impossible. Instead, try these tips to help you throughout the frustrating period:
1) Talk to your partner
Trying to get pregnant and receiving a negative test result can be a trying time for any couple, but remember that you’re both in it together.
Try your best to avoid stress and anxiety getting the better of you as it can have a major impact on your chances of naturally conceiving. When your body is relaxed, it’s more prepared for pregnancy. Anxiety can also cause women to ovulate less regularly.
Stress can also negatively affect a man’s testosterone levels and sperm production. So, if you’re looking to combat stress, talk to your partner about any anxiety you may be experiencing. To know they may be feeling the same can be comforting.
2) Keep your spark
When it comes to conceiving, it’s important not to take the romantic element away from sex. After all, it’s a great way to relieve stress!
Love-making and baby-making shouldn’t be considered two different things. The chemistry of attraction produces the same hormones that are required for conception and can help take away the ‘chore’ of trying to get pregnant.
This hormone comes from a gland known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and affects the brain, ovaries and testicles. A hormone cascade, as it’s known, is created from the dopamine and oxytocin hormones, which are produced by the feeling of wanting and lust.
When these hormones intertwine, they boost the female’s oestrogen and male’s testosterone during the peak of sexual intercourse. This is why it’s so important to make sex about seduction rather than a chore or purely an activity to get pregnant. It’ll also bring you closer to your partner and remember the honeymoon stage of your relationship.
3) Stay patient
As much as we understand your anxiety and frustration when you’re struggling to conceive, patience really is a virtue.
It’s very important to remember that just because you’ve tried a few times, it doesn’t mean you’ll never get pregnant. It’s normal for a couple to go through a few ovulation cycles before they get a positive pregnancy result and if you haven’t been tested to confirm infertility, then there’s nothing to worry about at present.
You can never be in complete control of getting pregnant as there’s no guarantee that conception will take place. However, losing your patience affects your mental health and can result in stress and anxiety; which can both affect your chances of conceiving.
4) Consider fertility treatments
If you’ve tried a number of techniques but you’re still struggling to conceive, you may want to consider fertility treatments to help you on your journey to parenthood
Factors such as age and medical history can affect what fertility treatments are best for you, but a fertility specialist will be able to advise on which treatments can bring yourself and your partner the best chance of success.
A handful of treatments that may be recommended are:
IVF, also known as In Vitro Fertilisation, is one of the most popular treatments used when couples are struggling to conceive.
The procedure includes the removal of an egg from the woman’s ovaries so that it can be fertilised by the man’s sperm. This takes place in a lab and once fertilised, the egg is then placed inside the womb so the egg can develop and pregnancy can continue.
There is a one in three chance of this working for younger women however the likelihood of success reduces for those over the age of 35. Your chances of success can also depend on your lifestyle and genetic history, although a specialist can advise and support you with this, if this is the case.
Fertility medicines
You could consider medicines to improve your chances of conceiving through sex. These include tamoxifen, metformin, gonadotrophins and clomifene.
These medicines tend to be given to those diagnosed with infertility problems, as it’s believed that people who have unexplained issues are less receptive to medication.
The only downfall of using fertility medicines is that they can cause several unpleasant side effects such as hot flushes, vomiting, nausea and frequent headaches.
Although this is a slightly riskier fertility treatment, you’ve also got the option to undergo surgery to help with your chances of conceiving if your fertility specialist finds an issue that could be treated surgically. Common surgeries include laparoscopic surgery, fallopian tube surgery and operations to correct an epidydimal blockage, although these will only be recommended in appropriate cases.
Laparoscopic surgery is used to remove cysts from the ovaries, whilst fallopian tube surgery is the repairing of tubes that have become blocked and scarred.
Hysteroscopic surgery is used to treat problems within the cavity of the womb.
Epidydimal blockages restricts sperm from being ejaculated properly. Men who are likely to have this issue are those who’ve had a vasectomy or those born without a tube that drains the sperm.
As you can see, there are many things you can do if you’re struggling to get pregnant. Whichever option you decide, remaining positive and reducing stress can help to significantly boost your natural chances, as well as give you a better outlook on your journey to parenthood.
If you’re unsure about what fertility treatments are best for you, then get in touch with an expert for more advice.