Diabetes is a serious metabolic disorder which occurs when the pancreas is unable to manufacture the hormone named ‘insulin’ in adequate amounts, as a result of which, there is an accumulation of excessive glucose within the bloodstream. Insulin resistance is another possible condition responsible for developing diabetes because it prevents the absorption and utilization of glucose by the human body. The latter theory is applicable in the case of type-2 diabetes. Due to modern sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits, there has been a sharp rise in the figures of people belonging to all age groups, who are affected by diabetes.
Modification of lifestyle
Since the lack of physical activity happens to be one of the leading reasons behind the development of metabolic disorders, modification of lifestyle should be the first essential step for long term wellness. Including a few simple exercises in one’s daily routine can be extremely beneficial for those suffering from high blood sugar. Rather it can be said that incorporating a little bit of physical activity is an integral part of treatment besides medication. A regular exercise regime is has always been associated with multiple benefits for health. Exercises when performed under the guidance of experts, is very effective in reducing the amount of glucose in the bloodstream.
Mechanism of glucose absorption
Irrespective of the fact that whether your diabetes is an outcome of deficiency in manufactured insulin, or resistance to this hormone, performing physical exercises enable your body to use up the energy of glucose even in the absence of insulin hormone. The moment your muscle cells start utilizing the glucose that they require, the level of glucose in your bloodstream gradually starts getting restored from high to normal. For those who are resistant to insulin, regular physical exercises helps in reducing the levels of resistance, so that the glucose in the bloodstream is effectively utilized by the cells in order to release energy.
Yielding multiple benefits
Besides specifically addressing the complication pertaining to diabetes, regular physical activity helps in maintaining an ideal body weight and blood pressure which are two really crucial factors when it comes to controlling your blood sugar. Exercises also help in elevating the levels of HDL or good cholesterol which keeps the heart healthy and reduces the risk of major cardiac events. It boosts the energy levels, improves those erratic sleep cycles and aids in effective stress management. Prolonged mental and physical stress is known to manifest itself in the form of various metabolic and endocrinal disorders.
Flexibility is great
For those who have never exercised in their whole lives, preparing an exercise regime and abiding by it can be quite challenging during the initial phases. It is absolutely fine to allow yourself a bit of time to get accustomed, rather than punishing yourself with the burden of a strict routine. Exercise does not necessarily mean hitting the gym or performing prescribed yoga postures every single day. You can always add some variations to make it an enjoyable activity and to keep your motivation levels flying high. If you are passionate about sports, then a game of basketball or tennis, or a round of cycling or swimming can be fantastic! If you are feeling a bit lazy or sloppy, you can simply enjoy a walk in your park and breathe in the fresh air to your heart’s content.
Building a strong defense
Strength training exercises are not only ideal for developing those lean and sturdy muscles, but also advantageous for type-2 diabetics since muscles utilize glucose the most. One needs to set practical, achievable workout goals after thorough medical examination and consultation with a doctor. Since diabetics feel thirsty quite often, it is really important to keep the body hydrated at all times. Strictly following the prescribed dietary restrictions is a must for preventing your blood sugar from escalating beyond limits.
Fixing your menu
While preparing your meals, make maximum use of whole grains such as oatmeal, brown rice or millet as cereals. They are best combined with garden fresh green, leafy vegetables which are either steamed or grilled to perfection with minimum sprinkling of salt and condiments. Steer clear of all kinds of processed food such as white bread, tortillas made of white flour, deep fried dishes and sugary snacks. Munch on fresh fruits like apples or roasted nuts whenever you feel hungry, so that your glucose levels remain stable.