Drug addiction is a growing problem in the USA. According to a report from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), around 7,400,000 people get addicted to some form of drugs when they get into their teenage years.
Let’s have a look at some more stats to more fully understand this growing problem:
- About 626,000 Americans suffer from heroin addiction.
- About 1.8 million Americans have opioid addiction.
- About 4 million are addicted to marijuana.
- About 867,000 are cocaine addicts.
The problem is common among people of both genders and usually starts at a young age. It does not matter what you are addicted to, addiction can be very bad for your health, which is why those struggling with addiction must find help fast.
While there are many treatment options available, there is one method which helps in treating the most severe issues that stem from addiction. The treatment is called Ibogaine, and it utilizes a drug extracted from a West African shrub that is used to treat drug addictions.
There are many clinics outside the USA that use Ibogaine treatment as a method of addiction therapy. Experience Ibogaine treatment centers has quickly become the most popular treatment center today.
The Iboga shrub’s true benefits were revealed in 1960’s when a number of researches discovered its affects on drug addiction. These found that the Iboga plant’s main alkaloid, Ibogaine, could reverse the effects of addiction with one single dose.
It is said to be effective in treating a variety of drug addictions such as heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, alcohol, methadone, nicotine, opioids etc.
As per one study conducted in Brazil regarding ibogaine treatment, it was revealed that the herb is indeed effective at treating a number of drug cravings when used alongside psychotherapy.
Many other studies have also been done on Ibogaine, and most have supported its effectiveness in treating addiction.
Understanding Ibogaine Treatment
Drug cravings have a lot to do with our brain receptors. When a drug addict doesn’t consume a drug he/she is addicted to in due time, these receptors send a signal to the brain which trigger drug withdrawal symptoms.
Ibogaine treatment is said to treat the cravings for drug dependency, especially opiates. Studies say that ibogaine treatment has a 70% chance of success on average when it comes to treating drug addiction.
How It Works: Ibogaine treatment resets the receptors in the where drug addiction and dependency is centered. First, Ibogaine targets the physical withdrawal symptoms associated with addiction.
This physical addiction is often the most difficult part of addiction to overcome. Withdrawal can be severe, which is often the reason many addicts continue to use drugs.
But Ibogaine eliminates these withdrawal symptoms with one dose. The addict is able to overcome the majority, if not all, of their drug withdrawals. This is what makes Ibogaine so effect.
It is important to note that Ibogaine is not a maintenance drug. It is non-addictive, and addicts who take Ibogaine do not crave or want more Ibogaine after taking it.
Once ibogaine is taken, or consumed, by the drug addict, it is converted into Noribogaine by the liver. Noribogaine gives off the anti-addictive effects. As well that stay in the body for up to three months after ingestion.
Ibogaine is not a cure, and chances for relapse can only be reduced by proper planning and aftercare. The addict may not need to use drugs, however, if they do not get out of their current situations, and away from bad influences, often addicts will find themselves using again.
The Dream State: Ibogaine does not only target physical withdrawal. For many, Ibogaine induces a powerful, ancient, psychedelic dream-state where many addicts come face to face with past fear, trauma, and life experiences that are often the underlying cause of the addiction.
Ibogaine helps the addict become more accepting and open. While exploring their past, many addicts claim Ibogaine helped them come to terms with these underlying psychological issues which led the addict to the addiction in the first place. Addiction is often used to solve a problem, and Ibogaine can help the addict deal with that problem or issues in a healthy way.
With counseling and help, addicts can find peace and understand better what they have learned during this second phase of Ibogaine treatment.
Other Uses Of Ibogaine
There are many benefits of using this plant besides treating drug addiction. It is said to treat a number of diseases and promote well-being for many people.
Depression and anxiety: Ibogaine is also adept at helping those with anxiety and depression. Because this is often a psychological illness, Ibogaine can help treat the underlying psychological issues while rewiring the brain in a way drugs cannot.
Psychotherapy: Ibogaine can also be a good source of psychotherapy for other underlying issues. In the same way it can help drug addiction, it can target areas of the brain and help regenerate damaged neurons while also helping the individual find clarity from troubling life experiences that may be causing psychological issues.
Is Ibogaine Right for Me?
Like any other drug treatment, Ibogaine must be considered with proper medical help and education on the part of the addict. There is no addiction treatment that will work for everyone.
Ibogaine can be dangerous, and proper prescreening and medical testing must be done in order to be cleared for Ibogaine treatment.
Ibogaine is not a cure. All successful drug treatments must be done with counseling and aftercare planning. The longer an addict can be away from bad influences and environments, the more likely they will be to succeed.
Always consult a medical professional before making any decisions regarding drug treatment and alternative drug treatment options. Success and sobriety is possible, but the addict must want it, and work hard for it.