Humans are a lot more fragile than we sometimes allow for, and there are plenty of microbes more than willing to remind us. Between viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi, there are plenty of possible germs out there ready to attack us, and they can be very successful at doing so. They can invade the body at any number of entry points, such as the mouth, nose, or even wounds, and once in there, they can do a lot of damage. Interestingly there are a number of defenses against them that can be very effective. It is just a matter of finding the most applicable strategy and implementing it.
All of the various microbes can make life interesting for humans. Bacteria and viruses can be best fought through vaccinations, while protozoa and fungi are best eliminated through the use of antibiotics. However, they can all be eliminated just by preventing their entry into the body by cleaning the skin or by keeping all surfaces in the area clean. A disinfectant, such as Cidex Opa, can ensure that not only is the skin kept clean but also works to ensure that any surfaces so cleaned will not be an issue. As such, they are the first and best defense against infection.
Viruses can be the most virulent, but they are also the weakest of all of the microbes. Because they lack a true reproductive system, needing to invade other cells and forcing them to mass produce them, they last the shortest outside of a host body. They also require the smallest range of temperature to survive. In short, if they can find an area that falls within the range of temperatures with some humidity, they usually die within a day or two at best, and only hours if the area is less than optimal. Just keeping the area clean is usually sufficient to stop them.
Bacteria are far more resilient, capable of going into hibernation if their conditions are less than optimal; this state is good enough to allow them to survive a wide variety of different hostile environments. This means that not only does an area need to kept sterilized, but that the skin must be kept clean as well. This means that good handwashing increases will be able to take care of a lot of issues when it comes to bacteria, but that applies to a lot of different microbes anyway.
Protozoa can be a little more interesting, especially as they are larger than most of the cells that defend the body. Protozoa are the smallest animals, even though “animal” is not quite accurate. While they can be predatory and mobile, they hardly fall under the classification. However, that also makes them easier for the body to attack as white blood cells are geared to rush and surround any invaders. Combined with a good fever, however, a lot of protozoa will fall, but not before any damage can be done. There is always the possibility of lasting damage when it comes to an attack by protozoa, but hopefully, antibiotics will kill them before that point.
Fungi are the hardest microbes to avoid, but that is because they are usually the first stage of a much larger entity. Mold spores are possibly the best-known example. The spores are released into the air by a mold plant. They float in the air until they find a suitable location and then release their contents. Those contents are capable of infecting a living host and drawing sustenance from that host, possibly interfering with the host’s breathing and causing its death. Unfortunately, the best and only real solution is to keep the entire area sterile, including areas such as in the wall.
This means that the best way of avoiding infections is usually just to keep the area as sterile as possible. This means that a sterilizing agent is a good tool to keep the area as sterile as possible in order to ensure the best possible health of those in the area. With judicious care, it is possible to ensure that an area is kept free of all microbes, especially if basic sterilization protocols are implemented and enforced. Good health is not hard to maintain, but it is one that is well worth the effort to do so. The microbes are easy to defeat if enough care is given by those cleaning the area, and it is well worth the care given.