When a person has taken the decision to overcome drug or alcohol abuse and is on the threshold of entering a treatment facility, they are likely to have concerns about what’s involved in drug and alcohol rehab in San Jose and how it can help them.
Here, we break down what’s involved to make the experience seem a little less frightening:
There are No Locks
Perhaps one of the most common misconceptions is that rehab is like being in prison, where freedom of movement is limited or restricted. In fact, the opposite is true and just as most people enter drug and alcohol rehab in San Jose of their own free will; they are free to leave at any stage of the journey. This is crucial in addiction treatment as patients need to take responsibility for themselves and their sobriety, and that starts in rehab.
Detox Is the First Step
Most drug and alcohol treatment centers in San Jose and elsewhere have a detox program available as part of overall rehab. It is not in itself a cure however, which needs to be borne in mind by people entering a center. Detoxification is the process by which the toxins that have built up in the body through alcohol or drug abuse are expelled, so as to free the patient’s mind and body from the grips of their effects.
The Facilities
Just as each patient entering drug and alcohol rehab San Jose has their unique needs to meet, each facility will have something different to offer. Whether in terms of location, the range of therapies available and the philosophy of the facility, it is important for patients to find somewhere that resonates with their own belief system so that they feel comfortable and accepted in the clinical environment.
Encouraging patients to be more self-aware is important in drug and alcohol rehab programs as it allows them to better understand what has been driving their need to abuse substances. The rehab process is intended to get patients to view their issues with substances honestly, so that they are better equipped to deal with their daily lives in recovery.
Counseling and Group Therapy
Individual and group therapy sessions are an integral part of effective drug treatment in San Jose and can continue for many months and even years into recovery. Drug treatment in rehab is very often the first opportunity a patient has had to really communicate what they are thinking and feeling and to share their concerns for the future. Having access to a solid support system is crucial for recovering patients and can prevent them from relapsing back to negative behaviors.
Family Meetings
Addiction is something that not only affects the sufferer but also those close to them. Many relationships are damaged and even broken when one person has substance abuse disorder and they all need to be included in the treatment of that patient. The majority of alcohol rehab in San Jose offers an element of family counseling to offer assistance in rebuilding relationships wrecked by someone’s substance abuse.
Aftercare Program
There is no cure for substance abuse disorder although it can be treated so as to allow someone to build a new life for themselves in recovery. When someone is on the threshold of returning home after alcohol rehab in San Jose, they can sometimes feel intimidated by the thought of going back to the people and places they associate with their addiction issues.
An aftercare program provides extra support to patients in recover both in terms of medical treatment and counseling support. Aftercare programs are highly successful in reinforcing the lessons learned during rehab and assisting patients in finding their own ways of applying those principals to their lives in recovery.
Taking the Steps to Recover from Substance Abuse
Everyone is their own person and each has their own unique experience when it comes to both abusing substances and overcoming their issues in alcohol rehab in San Jose. For that reason, it is crucial that each patient is fully assessed and evaluated at the beginning of rehab to ascertain their specific personal needs and also the drivers of addiction that are unique to each case.
The advantage of structured rehab is particularly significant during the detox stage, which can be an unpleasant, challenging and sometimes dangerous experience. Having medical supervision throughout detox goes a long way towards easing withdrawal symptoms and providing patients with physical and emotional support throughout the process.