You may have already read some reasons to start your own health blog. Please use the calendar to locate health events in your area. If you know of a health fair, health seminar or other informative health gathering and it’s not listed on Health Blogs, please let us know by contacting us and we will post it to share with all!https://healthblogs.org/2008/05/09/health-events/
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Please tell us the name of the event, type of event, location (address, city, state) and contact information. The event can be for a particular health awareness for a condition such as diabetes or cancer, or just a health and wellness event. If it’s a health fair for children or adults, we don’t care. We want to share with everyone as part of our mission to empower individuals using the Internet. Please click below to add your events in the comments. First please login to the right or by going to https://healthblogs.org/wp-signup.php and either setup a site or just create a user so you can post comments.
Thank you in advance!
Beth and Monica