Functions of the blood can be described in more than one way in different levels of detail as biology courses are encompassing at least the amount of information needed in order for people to make sure what crucial role does it serve to our systems.
There are a lot of functions which are owned by the circulatory system as they fill out crucial roles to make sure that our bodies function within optimal parameters. Platelets such as thrombocytes are the most important cells in our blood as they bind together when they encounter vessels which seem to be damaged. Such platelets are the main reason one heals quickly after cutting their skin. After they have pinpointed the damaged blood vessel they bind together in order to cause a blood clot in order to stop our bleeding.
Transportation Functions of Blood
Blood fills a couple of crucial roles in terms of transportation of both good nutrients and oxygen to the rest of our body as well as it takes care of carbon dioxide in order for it to be expelled from our bodies through our respiratory system. It transports oxygen from the lungs to other tissues around the body.
It also fills the role of transporting products of digestion which are commonly referred as nutrients from our digestive system to our cells and such soluble products which are being processed after digestion include glucose, salts as well as vitamins which are paired with plasma in order for us to stay healthy.
Blood also transports hormones from their respective glands to specific organs which need them such as insulin being transported to the pancreas. This amazing fluid also fulfills the role of regulating the metabolic process to make sure that our bodies maintain optimal temperatures throughout our entire lives.
Best Weapon of Our Immune System
One of the main elements of our blood are the white blood cells which are referred as leucocytes which perform paramount immune functions and what they basically do is protect our bodies by detecting potential threats such as disease and viruses by forming blood clots wherever one has been cut in order to fend off possible bacteria as well as stop the bleeding.
Blood also fulfills the role of producing proteins in order to act as antibodies to fend off potential threats including the likes of viruses which would otherwise roam freely and spread to other parts of our body. Potential harmful cells are quickly disposed of in order for us to stay safe and sound. Such cells are recognized and labeled as intruders and it is easier for white blood cells to attack and dispose of them in a timely manner before them spreading around our bodies.