If you’re investing in your health, you may think of doing more than eating kale and drinking smoothies. While it’s great to nurture your body, you should also add exercise to tone and strengthen your body.
And, while you’re at it, also think about stress reduction. One of the main health issues these days are stress-related illnesses. So, the healthy decompression of stress is vital for anyone. It’s especially valuable for hard-working people who come home stressed out, with barely enough energy to enjoy the evenings or weekends. Parents, too, are often fairly disheveled by the end of the week after running around dropping off their kids to various extracurricular activities, as well as playing the role of a working superMom or superDad.
Relax, It’s Affordable
Consider the relaxation after a good massage. While you may not be able to afford regular massage with a therapist, you could enjoy the benefits by spending money on a table for your home. It’s not a waste of money. Instead, it is an asset for your health. Moreover, it is something that you will come to love.
The DIY Massage Trend
Interestingly, massage tables are becoming increasingly popular. Many consumers are resorting to massage therapy. It’s a quick source of relief from the many stresses of business, life. Massage therapy smoothes away daily cares.
One clue to the growing popularity of massage therapy can be found when you visit your local bookstore.
There, you’ll find books on massage therapy on the self-help shelves. They cover everything. You can learn how to give your partner a therapeutic massage. You can learn what lotions and oils to use on the skin. And you can learn about the healing properties of the different essential oils to burn in the background. Massage therapy does more than heal the body. It is also great for a change in mood. Massage therapy is even recommended as a way for couples to add a new spark to their dwindling romance.
The Long Term Benefits of Self-Reliance
While it is possible to splurge on a professional masseuse now and again, if you want regular massages, it’s much more sensible to learn how to do it yourself. Usually, it costs about $60 a massage, and unless you have some serious medical issues, you are unlikely to get insurance coverage for it.
It’s a little like joining a gym. Sure, you could get a personal trainer, but how long can you afford to keep paying for one? A longer term strategy is to get a few books or videos on how to set up your own diet plan and exercise training program to achieve your health and fitness goals.
Get the Right Stuff
When it comes to doing massage at home, you should get the right stuff. If you were to take up the sport of bicycling, you wouldn’t start out with a bike from a thrift store and a baseball cap. If you were to take up golf, you would avidly consume instructional books and video, hire a golf coach, and invest in golf clothes and quality clubs. Similarly, if you decide to get serious about massage, you should get enthusiastic about setting things up the right way.
You will soon lose interest in it if you don’t create the right ambience with soothing music and calming essential oils. You will also find it too strenuous to massage someone lying on a bed or couch. The right equipment, offered at sites like massagetableoutlet.com, can make massages a safe experience. It’s not difficult to find a quality portable massage table at an affordable price.
What Should You Buy?
Look for tables and chairs that allow you to work on problem areas. For instance, if you or your partner suffer from neck and shoulder pains, look for chairs. If pains are in the lower back, legs, and feet, then a table will work better. If your pain is all over the place, then a table will allow you to work the entire body.
Also, invest in the right massage lotions. Natural Living Ideas offers the following sage advice: “When mixing essential oils, take it slow. Don’t just throw all of the ingredients together and call it done. Instead, mix them together a little bit at a time. Allow your senses to sample the blend as it evolves until you find the perfect combination. Just remember to keep track of how many drops of each oil you used and the order in which you added them so you can replicate the recipe in the future.”
Make It Fun
We tend to do more of the things we enjoy and less of the things we don’t like. If you do decide to take up DIY massage, then treat it with all the enthusiasm of a new hobby. You will then look forward to learning more about different styles of massage, how to blend the right essential lotions, how to pick the right scents to burn, and how to select the perfect mood music. If you inject a spirit of playfulness and fun into this self-help project, your massage sessions will be something you and your partner will look forward to scheduling.