As pet owners, we want the best for them. We want to care for them, love them, enjoy their company, and most importantly keep them fit and healthy for many years to come. Unfortunately, the truth is, pets get sick. Just like with children, you can vaccinate, be super vigilant about the foods they eat, and where they play. However, just like children, pets can contract illnesses and diseases that we thought we prevented. Let’s take a look at common pet diseases and how to care for your sick pet.
Two of the most common household fish are Betta and Goldfishes, however many people have more exotic fish in their tanks. Fish can also become susceptible to parasites, diseases, and infections. Most fish diseases can be treated fairly quickly with fish mox — or Amoxicillin for fish as well as other antibiotics. Here are some of the most common fish diseases:
- Tail and Fin Rot
- Gill Flukes
- Fungal Infections
- Dropsy
- Cotton Wool Disease
- Septicemia
Common symptoms to look out for are sluggishness, inactivity, difficulty breathing, and scratching. Regularly cleaning out your tank and introducing properly sterilized articles to the environment can prevent many of these illnesses.
Whether your cat is an indoor or outdoor cat, she is still prone to diseases and illnesses — yes even if vaccinated. Cats are prone fleas, ticks, parasites, and other more serious diseases. Some of the most common feline diseases are as follow:
- Cancer — Such as Fibrosarcoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Leukemia
- Diabetes
- Ringworm
- Cat-Scratch Disease
- Obesity
Many of these can be treated with medications, antibiotics, diet and exercise, and other more aggressive treatments like chemo, surgery, and radiation. All of this depends on the gravity of their illnesses. It is important to vaccinate as early as possible to help prevent many of these ailments.
Just like with cats, dogs are an easy target for an onslaught of diseases. These can range from pretty simple and very easily treated symptoms, to more dangerous ones like heartworm, cancer, or distemper. Just like with your other pets, antibiotics and early vaccination can help deter many of the symptoms or diseases altogether. Common canine diseases have been known to be:
- Parvovirus
- Dental Disease
- Flea and Tick-Borne Diseases
- Arthritis
- Seizures
- Urinary Tract Infections
Many of these diseases can actually be prevented throughout your dog’s life. This includes monthly medications for heartworm and flea and ticks. A proper and healthy diet can help prevent Urinary tract infections. Unfortunately with diseases such as Parvovirus and Distemper, if your dog survives this, some life long ramifications have been known to affect your pup. These can include seizures, hardened paw pads, and other side effects. This is true for cats too.
Knowing our pets behaviors can also help in determining what is wrong. Anything that may be off, like sluggish, no appetite, excessive panting, or trouble breathing should immediately be brought to your Veterinarian’s attention.
Making sure you have a great Veterinarian or maybe even a Veterinary Specialist will most likely benefit you and your pet. These experts in animal diseases fully understand and know how to treat your pets for maximum health. Just like we see specialists when our regular doctor can’t help us when there is more going on, your pets need the same kind of attention. Of course, tender loving care can help a great deal along the way of getting your pet healthy again.