You’ve probably heard people advising you to hydrate hundreds of times. Whenever you are sick, your doctor will tell you to increase your fluid intake. If you are well, drinking water is often advised to help you maintain your health. It makes you wonder what it is about water that makes it so crucial for our body.
It helps balance the fluids in our bodies
Our body is 60% water. Some of our bodily fluids aid in digestion, circulation, and absorption. Others are crucial in creating saliva, transporting nutrients, and maintaining our body temperature. Our internal organs, primarily the brain and the kidney, communicate to create this balance in our fluids. When you are high in fluids, your brain will send a signal to your kidney to urinate and remove some of the fluids.
It helps control calories
Water is a great way to shed off unwanted calories. Dieters shouldn’t think that water is a weight loss miracle, but it does make for a good alternative to high-calorie beverages. Note that food that’s high in water content requires more chewing, making it easier for the body to absorb. The idea is that food items with high water content can significantly help dieters feel fuller and healthier, reducing the caloric intake. Vegetables have high levels of water, so eat your vegetables as well.
It helps energize the muscles
Cells lacking the correct fluid balance and electrolytes can shrivel, causing muscle fatigue. This is why it is essential to always replenish your body with fluids, particularly when exercising. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends individuals to drink at least 17 ounces of water two hours before any physical activity. The recommendation is to have fluid intake early and consume them regularly to replace the fluids lost during sweating while exercising.
It helps skin feel young
The skin is the largest organ of your body, and it contains plenty of water. Drinking water can help create a protective barrier that prevents loss of fluid. However, it does not mean that overhydration will be enough to remove or prevent the presence of wrinkles and fine lines. When your skin is dehydrated, it will look dry, wrinkled, and old. Ideally, you should have soft water at home, as this can contribute to maintaining good skin. You can have a water analysis from service providers like the Water Doctor of Washington to see if you have soft or hard water at home.
It helps improve kidney function
Bodily fluids are mainly responsible for transporting waste products in and out of the cells. The level of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is a waste product that passes through the kidneys and excretes out as urine. The kidney can do its job well in filtering and removing these toxins whenever there is an adequate intake of fluids. You’ll know if you have enough fluids in your body when your urine’s color is light and does not smell. When your body lacks fluids, your urine’s odor, color, and concentration increases because the kidneys cannot filter the toxins. When you drink little water, kidney stones can develop.
It helps maintain normal bowel function
When you have enough fluids in your body, your digestive system will function at its optimal level, preventing constipation. Lack of fluid in your body can cause your intestines to absorb water from the stool to maintain hydration, resulting in constipation.
Now that you understand how water affects our body, you should make it a part of your routine to consume adequate amounts daily.