Medical records are a part of life, and having easy access to those records is a necessity in our information age. With numerous providers and specialists, being able to share a comprehensive record with these caregivers can make diagnosis and treatment continuity easier. With the ever-increasing capabilities of mobile devices, and with the larger screens on phones like the iPhone 7 Plus, accessing and reading medical records, including email attachments, has never been easier.
Health Apps
There are a number of health apps available for Apple products that allow users to consolidate their records — test results, x-rays, allergies, etc. — and share them with health care providers.
One of these apps is iBlueButton. This app began with veterans and Medicare and Medicaid recipients, but it is now available to the public. Health care providers have a professional version that allows them access to the same information. Users can store their visit summaries, test results, lists of medications and allergies, etc. in one place for easy access during a medical visit. This is a free app.
Capzule PHR
Capzule PHR is another app that allows users to organize their health information. This one can help organize medical records for the entire family and allows photos to be added to the files so that providers and patients can be sure they’re viewing the correct records. It also stores records, test results, insurance information, and doctor lists for convenience. This app costs $2.99.
My Medical
My Medical is a more expensive app, but in addition to being able to store medical information, it can also send reminders for prescription refills and doctors appointments. This app also has information about side effects of medications, images of medications, dosage regulations, and the frequency with which to take them. In addition, there is no external storage, so medical information is secure on your device. It too has tracking features that provide graphs and charts for test results, etc.
Reference Apps
In addition to apps that can track and organize medical records, there are also numerous reference apps to help users keep track of the latest medical news, first aid information, and drug facts. For example, the John Hopkins ABX Guide provides access to information about conditions and treatments, while the Red Cross First Aid app guides users through first aid situations with a step-by-step guide.
Micromedex is a database of drug information that can be searched by drug or illness for ease of use, while UpToDate is an app perfect for those in the medical profession or who are just interested in the latest medical news. Another useful app for those on multiple medications is RoundHealth. This app allows users to set reminders for medications, and it can keep track of dosage amounts and when it’s time to refill. All of these apps are available for Apple products and can help patients keep track of their medical needs.
In the past, obtaining and organizing medical records required visits and filing cabinets. Now, it can be done with the tap of a stylus or the swipe of a finger. Apps such as those discussed above put health information in the hands of the patients, and sharing them among health care providers can be done safely and securely over a Wi-Fi connection.