As our parents get older, they require more help and assistance in doing some of their activities of daily living (ADLs). No matter how hard we try to be there for them all the time, we also have our own responsibilities to face and obligations to fulfill. Often, our situation leaves us no choice but to seek help from an in-home caregiver. It does not mean that you will care for your parents less, but rather that you just want someone who is completely dedicated to their care. Since these caregivers will spend a considerable amount of time with your parent, it is a must that you look for one with the following traits:
1. Passion for Work
In-home caregivers must be passionate about what they do, since taking care of the elderly can be an overwhelming task. Most caregivers can suffer from burnout and fatigue, but if they genuinely care for the seniors, you will see that they will often give it their all to provide the best care to someone who is not even remotely related to them. Sometimes, their compensation is not commensurate with the level of service they offer, but their love for their job can outweigh it. Even when they are tired, they can flash their happy smile and share their positivity with the people they care for.
2. Compassion for Others
It is also essential that the in-home caregiver you will have for your parents will be compassionate to address their needs and understand their discomfort. They need to be able to put themselves in your parents’ shoes to understand better what their emotions and feelings are. This way, it will be easier for them to console and comfort your parents.
3. Unparalleled Patience
Seniors can be challenging to take care of. They may not listen to their caregivers all the time, specifically if they have lived most of their lives with full control of what they want. Sometimes, their stubbornness can push the buttons of other people, but patient caregivers can make sure that your elderly parents can still receive the best care. They will understand and be flexible, so seniors will not feel agitated or uncooperative.
4. Attentiveness
Your in-home caregiver must always be attentive, especially if your parents need special attention or at high risk for falling or slipping. They should be ready to help your parents when they need to use the bathroom or assist them when they need to eat or cook their food. More than assisting your elderly loved ones with these tasks, the in-home caregiver you should hire should be sensitive enough to notice any changes in mood or emotions. They must be well-attuned to when your parents suddenly feel anxious or sad, as this can be warning signs of more serious emotional problems that can affect their overall health.
5. Reliable and Trustworthy
You will leave your parents to the care of another person. Someone who is not related to you or anyone in your family, so you have to make sure that they are the ones that you can entrust to your parents. They should be trustworthy enough to stay and take care of your parents. Further, they must also be reliable. When you follow a schedule, they must arrive at the agreed time and date so that you won’t have any hiccups in taking care of your loved one. This is why it is vital to source your caregivers from reliable agencies like Curantis Health that do thorough background checks and training of their staff.
6. Good Communication Skills
Most of the caregivers employed by agencies come from abroad where English is not their first language. Therefore, caregivers should communicate with you and your parents with ease, especially when they need to report pertinent findings or when you need to give them instructions about providing care for your loved ones. You have to make sure that you understand each other. It also helps if they don’t have difficulty communicating with professionals like medical doctors and other health providers.
7. Professionalism
More than anything else, you have to make sure that your in-home caregiver shows professionalism at all times. Seniors can sometimes be irrational, and caregivers must know how to deal with them in a respectful manner. It also helps if they don’t bring their personal issues to work because it can affect their relationship with your loved one.
Take your time to choose your caregiver. Invest time in doing interviews, background checks, and vetting their credibility. Keep in mind that your parents’ welfare is at their hands, so choose wiselyl.